Just like the Backstreet Boys, after a long hiatus, QSA records connect is back.
We will be providing you with informative and useful updates on topics related to records and information management.
Some of the topics you can expect to see include:
- The new Public Records Act 2023 implementation
- The Digital Archive
- Machinery of Government Changes
- How QSA is supporting agencies to contribute to the Truthtelling Inquiry
- Disaster Preparedness: protecting your records
- What to do if your records are impacted/ damaged by weather
- Lost/ damaged records process
- How to conduct an assessment of your recordkeeping
- QChat/ AI
- New Community of Practice working group: PRIME Network
- Case studies on common recordkeeping issues
- Behind the scenes at QSA
- Common enquires received through rkqueries
- Your suggestions!
We also want to hear from you, the public authorities we assist! What would you like to know more about in the world of recordkeeping/ information management? If you have any suggestions for future blog topics, send them through to us at rkqueries@archives.qld.gov.au
The theme for our next QSA newsletter will be disaster preparedness and the next blog post will also cover this topic. It will provide practical advice and tips on how public authorities can prepare their records and workplaces ahead of disaster season.
You can keep up to date with our newsletter by subscribing.
Remember, you can also update your agencies contact details through our Senior Officer contact form and Contact details for office correspondence form at any time to ensure you keep up to date with QSA’s important communications. The State Archivist regularly communicates with Chief Executives, and we also regularly send correspondence to records managers in agencies, so it’s important we have correct contact details to ensure that important correspondence is received promptly.
We look forward to hearing from you and seeing you back here soon.