Double row seed planter, April 1939, Digital image ID: 23625
Welcome to the fifth blog in the series about the GRDSv8 (are you sick of us yet? Half way there!). The GRDS has gone out for whole-of-government consultation and we are blogging about some of the changes you may have noticed from GRDSv7.
Aren’t we all glad that farming has moved on since 1939! We are doing the same with assets in the GRDS.
What have we done
We have introduced another function into the GRDSv8 by merging a couple of existing functions together. Welcome Moveable Assets! Goodbye Equipment & Stores, Fleet Management and parts of Technology & Telecommunications.
We knew this was a no brainer in merging these functions as all these items are very moveable (especially vehicles). Some of the other assets that could be considered moveable are: machinery, plant, equipment, appliances, furniture, chemicals, kitchen items and software applications.
You will find that we have made wholesale changes to the record classes from GRDSv7. These functions haven’t been reviewed since 1997 and there have been many changes over the years (and I really do mean many changes).
The entire function is now organised under a single activity of Asset Management. This activity includes:
- acquisition of hazardous substances, software applications, vehicles, and other moveable assets
- vehicle registrations & maintenance
- management of registered plant
- installation and allocation, distribution and use of moveable assets
- sanitisation of technology equipment
- warranties and guarantees.
What we need from you
Do the scope notes make sense to you?
Are we missing any ‘see’ references?
Do you think the retention periods are too short, too long or just right?
Are there any record classes we have missed?
You have until Friday 26th February 2016 to provide your feedback on the GRDSv8.
Remember, you can contact us at any time via email, telephone, blog, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or Flickr.
Elizabeth Harvey
Appraisal Archivist