Law Courts building under construction, Brisbane, August 1969 – Digital ID: 14156
Welcome to the seventh blog in the series about the GRDSv8. The GRDS has gone out for whole-of-government consultation and we are blogging about some of the changes you may have noticed from GRDSv7.
QSA – “Your honour, I formally request that we move the Compensation function to Legal Services and we add some new activities and record classes.”
Defence – “No objections, your honour.”
Judge – “Request granted.”
What have we done
One of the changes we have made is that ‘Compensation’ is no longer a separate function in the GRDS. The GRDS review team analysed the function and decided that it would be better for Compensation to be broken up (like Kylie & Jason) and moved to more relevant functions in the GRDS.
The activity of ‘Claims’ has moved to Legal Services and we have changed the activity name to ‘Compensation’ – we felt Legal Services was a better fit or these records.
We have also made some changes to the compensation record classes. We’ve:
- added a new record class for significant claims
- tweaked the scope note for self-insurance scheme claims
- changed the retention and trigger for the claims involving minors
- merged the workers compensation claims and compensation claims-adults record classes.
Some of the feedback we received from the GRDS Renewal discussion paper was that there wasn’t a record class to cover off on routine compensation claims. I’ll give you an example – say the dishwasher has leaked in the kitchen and there is water everywhere. Where in the GRDS could you sentence these insurance claims records? No where! Well now you can – you can use the general claims record class.
But where has the insurance policies record class gone? This has moved to Financial Management as this record class deals with the financial aspects of negotiating and renewing insurance policies (blog coming soon).
But wait, there’s more
Sorry, like in our ‘QSA wants you for the GRDS review’ blog, we still don’t have a set of steak knives to give away but we have beefed up the criteria for significant legal advice and litigation & prosecutions matters.
We’ve also added a new activity of Infringements. All infringements from other functions have moved here with the same retention period except vehicle infringements (remember to keep the roads safe).
Intellectual Property has also moved from Information Management. Copyright grew up and moved out and IP decided to find a new home 2 functions away (Read our blog ‘The I.T. Crowd for more info on that). Plus now you can sentence your patents, trade marks and designs.
Legislation has moved from Government Relations to be with its law buddies and we changed the title to Legislative Drafting.
Plus, discovery orders, summons & subpoenas jumped ship from Information Management (it lost some friends, but gained lots of new ones) to Litigation & Prosecutions.
As mentioned above with the changes to Compensation, we have changed the retention period & trigger for issues relating to minors to ‘Retain until child reaches 27 years of age’.
What we need from you
Do the changes we have made make sense to you? How are compensation claims dealt with in your agency?
Do the scope notes make sense?
Are we missing any ‘see’ references?
Do you think the retention periods are too short, too long or just right?
Are there any record classes we have missed?
You have until Friday 26th February 2016 to provide your feedback on the GRDSv8.
Remember, you can contact us at any time via email, telephone, blog, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or Flickr.
Elizabeth Harvey
Appraisal Archivist