Unlocking your agency’s recordkeeping with key roles
Policy Requirement 1.1 of the Records Governance Policy requires agencies to assign formal records management responsibilities to key roles within the business to monitor and support the active...
View ArticleUnwrapping RAPs
It might not be Christmas yet, but we’re getting into the wrapping early. Or in this case RAP’ing. Ok, so we’re not actually talking about wrapping presents, or the musical genre either. Here at QSA we...
View ArticleWrapping lessons
Despite the title, we’re not talking about wrapping presents or a baby in a blanket or anything else that needs wrapping up, we’re talking about Restricted Access Periods – RAPs for short. If you’ve...
View ArticleTo close or not to close, that is the question
We’re continuing out series on unwrapping RAPs and digging deeper into the personal affairs category, when to close item descriptions, and also changing or reviewing a RAP for records already here. For...
View ArticleMakin’ it work… Implementing a schedule
Using a schedule isn’t just about sentencing records to find out how long to keep them… ok maybe it kind of is. But there are loads of ways to do that depending on how you do recordkeeping in your...
View ArticleWatch that disposal trigger …when sentencing
In legal circles a sentence isn’t a good thing (depends on the perspective I guess). And there is certainly no gun involved in disposal triggers, despite the picture. While we don’t send our record to...
View ArticleResentence… and not just for good behaviour
Some records have to be kept for quite a while. In that time it is very likely that their retention period will change or the schedule you use will be updated. All of this results in you needing to...
View ArticleNews: Consultation opened for Recordkeeping Maturity Assessment Tool
The Recordkeeping Maturity Assessment Tool is part of the Recordkeeping Transformation Program which aims to improve the standard of records and information management across government. Effective...
View ArticleLet us be up-standing for endorsements…
Let’s face it, we all like processes that make things easier, or at least the easiest version of a process. When we destroy records, there are all sorts of checks we need to do and authorisations we...
View ArticleHigh-value records
Having trouble identifying your high-value records? Then today’s blog post is for you! Policy Requirement 4 in the Records Governance Policy requires agencies to actively manage permanent, high-value...
View ArticleApproved system
Business systems are systems that help your agency to achieve their goals. They create or manage data about an organisation’s activities and are designed to support undertaking a specific business...
View ArticleWatching, watching… always watching
It seems like everyone has a device these days, and we’re always filming or photographing something. It’s the same in business – we have cameras for surveillance, dash-cams in work vehicles, cameras to...
View ArticleLost, very lost or just damaged?
Queensland is a pretty awesome place, but we know the weather can be pretty stormy and sometimes accidents happen. Despite our best efforts and planning, records get damaged and sometimes lost. If it...
View ArticleWhen one system closes, another one opens
Business systems and applications change, they get upgraded and updated. Sometimes they fail, sometimes they just become unsupported or no longer needed. Whatever your reason for changing systems,...
View ArticleMovin’ on over…to QSA
There comes a time in some records’ lives when they need to move on. Don’t worry, it’s not you, it’s all them. They’re just special. So special they need to come to QSA to live forever and ever. These...
View ArticleThe point of SharePoint for sharing (and managing) records
We’re lucky here at QSA – we have an awesome eDRMS for all our records management. It not only handles digital records but physical records too and lets us do all the records management tasks we need...
View ArticleMeasuring records governance
Policy Requirement 2 tells agencies to measure how well records governance is supporting their business imperatives and strategic goals. When we released the Records Governance Policy for consultation...
View ArticleNews: Release of the Recordkeeping Maturity Assessment Tool
Queensland State Archives is pleased to announce the release of the Recordkeeping Maturity Assessment Tool. The Tool is the second part of the Recordkeeping Transformation Program which aims to improve...
View ArticleWhere on the scale do you lie?
With the release of our new self-evaluation tool to help agencies assess their recordkeeping maturity, we’d thought we’d take a moment to talk a little about how it worked. We made the Tool for a few...
View ArticleVideo: Using the Recordkeeping Maturity Assessment Tool
Check out our video about using the Recordkeeping Maturity Assessment Tool. This tool is designed to allow agencies to monitor and improve their recordkeeping maturity. It will enable agencies to take...
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